Pictured left to right: Josh Johnson – President & CEO (Founding Member of Jeffie’s Choice); Amy Chase – Maryland Food Bank; Elizabeth Rhome – AVP Audit (Founding Member of Jeffie’s Choice); Bill Bartholomay – 2018 Jeffie’s Choice Executive Sponsor
Jeffie’s Choice, Inc., through Mariner Finance, participated in Volunteer Week this year at the Maryland Food Bank. 49 employees donated their time at the food bank preparing and packaging food. Headquarters also collected and delivered 172 food items as part of the mid-year food drive.
682,280 individuals in Maryland report food insecurity which translates to about 1 in 9. With today’s stagnant wages and increasing cost of living, individuals are working full time and still struggling to put food on the table. 33% of food insecure individuals in the area earn too much to qualify for federal or state relief, which means there are thousands of food insecure Marylanders who rely solely on the food bank and other hunger relief agencies to meet this basic need.
In conjunction with Warburg Pincus, Mariner Finance donated $2,500.00 to the Maryland Food Bank. That equals 7,500 additional meals for those in need! You can read more about our Volunteer week on the Mariner Finance Blog.